Baron Salmon Fly

The Baron Salmon Fly

Tip: Oval silver tinsel
Tag: Ruby floss
Tail: Golden pheasant crest
Tail Veiling: Indian crow substitute, and blue chatterer (kingfisher)
Butt: Black ostrich herl
Ribs: Fine oval silver tinsel in each body section
Body: In two equal halves. First half is flat narrow silver tinsel butted with black ostrich herl
and veiled above and below with Indian crow; second half is black floss
Throat: European Jay (Guinea in other recipes)
Wings: Golden pheasant tippet in strand for the underwing. Married strips of scarlet, blue, and yellow swan; florican; speckled bustard;
gray turkey tail; and golden pheasant tail
Wing Veiling: Married strips of teal and barred wood duck. Strips of bronze mallard as a roofing
Cheeks: Jungle cock, followed by blue chatterer (kingfisher)
Crest: Golden pheasant crest
Horns: Blue-and-yellow macaw
Head: Black