Classic Salmon and Trout Flies
of Europe and the Americas
Tying the Jock Scott Part One

This will be a two part step by step tutorial discussing the dressing of the king of the salmon flies, the Jock Scott. I intend to get very in depth with each stage, with an emphasis on material preparation, which is key to being able to pull off this very difficult and complicated fly. The methods discussed will apply to more than just classic flies, and can be applied to all sorts of flies, and applied directly to classic wets from the Mary Orvis Marbury era to modern day European wets. For a photo showing the sections of the fly with names, see the large photo at the end of the article.

The Gut Loop

Before mounting the hook in the vise it is advisable to protect it with either a business card or better yet, a piece of plastic cut from a plastic enclosure of the kind that protects bakery products. The latter method is recommended by Ronn Lucas, for protecting the mirror-like finishes on his exhibition quality hooks. Many modern-day hooks can be damaged by clamping down too tight with the vise as well.

Attaching the gut loop is fairly straight forward, just be sure to lay down a layer of thread first. The gut must be soaked for quite some time, at least 30 minutes, or you risk cracking it when you bend it. You may taper the end at the tie in point, or not, depending on your own philosophy. I like to tie one side on and then form the loop with a bodkin or other tool, then tie down the far side. Others form the loop ahead of time. You may chew the ends of the gut before tying on, a time honored tradition born of trying to get a secure attachment to the hook. Shanks used to be roughened up as well to better hold the gut. It should ultimately look something like this:


I tie my loop right to the sides of the hook, but others like to take the gut underneath the hook at the rear. Ronn Alcott does it that way, as does Michael Radencich. Wayne Luallen does it my way. Here's what mine looks like from the side:


Once the loop is formed and lashed securely to the hook, I like to take some cement or lacquer and coat the assembly, resulting in this:


The Tag

The tag on this fly consists of two sections, what is commonly called twist in the old recipes followed by yellow floss. The tag should start at a point on the shank directly over the barb of the hook, and extend toward the eye no farther than, or slightly short of, the hook point. The twist usually consists of fine oval or round tinsel. The metal should be stripped off the core at the tie in point. Here is the tinsel prepped and ready to be tied in on the far side of the hook. Notice how the weight of the bobbin takes the thread straight down to the tip of the barb at the tie-in point:

Twist tie in

I like to catch just a little bit of the metal of the tinsel as I tie in, but just a little, for security. If you don't you'll run the risk of the metal pulling away and some of your core showing when it's wound. If you don't strip off the metal there will be a bulge under your twist, extending into your floss possibly. That's why after winding I strip off the metal as well, under tension after I secure the end with one hard wrap. I tie on most tinsel on the far side of the hook, letting the thread torque pull it underneath as I wrap. I attach a lot of materials this way, including floss. I got this from Don Bastian and really like this method. Here's the twist wrapped and secured and you can see that I've stripped the metal back, leaving only the core. I'll cut both tags short after securing with three wraps toward the eye.

Twist tied in

Once the twist butts have been cut off we wrap flattened thread edge to edge to the floss tie-in point. Here I've wrapped to the floss tie-in and have tied the floss in on the far side of the hook. Notice how the weight of the bobbin takes the thread straight down to the point of the hook. That is because I've wrapped forward five wraps to secure the floss. I actually tied in just short of the point of the hook.

Tag tied in

Now the floss is carefully wrapped back to the tag, and then forward to the tie-in point. The floss must be flat as you wind, and some floss has a twist in it (Pearsalls, Uni) making that more difficult. It's important to let the floss slip through your fingers as you wrap, which will pretty much eliminate breaking and fraying. I like the oriental floss (very expensive), Lagartun silk (a little expensive) and Danville four strand rayon (dirt cheap). Use at the most one strand if you're using Lagartun or Danville. You may build a little taper by over winding more as you approach the front of the tag. You can burnish the floss after you're done, but don't think you'll be able to burnish out bumps or lumps. The thread base must be pure, and if you have lumps after you've wound the floss, do it again. There's no going back later on. After winding my floss to the tie-in point, I hold it under tension and unwrap the five wraps of thread holding the original tied in end, then wrap thread four wraps forward over both ends, making sure that I keep both ends of floss under the hook shank. This wrapping and unwrapping is a method we use constantly to keep thread bulk down to a minimum, and also to keep areas flat for future work. The four thread wraps forward will be the area in which we mount our tail and herl butt. This is what the tag should look like when you're done:

Completed tag

The Tail and Tail Veiling

Now we should talk a bit about tail and topping preparation. If you're lucky, and have lots of golden pheasant crests from which to select, you'll have a crest in the exact shape you want with no twists in it. Your odds of winning the lottery are about as good. If this is not the case, soak some crests that are close in shape to what you'd like, then flatten them on a pane of glass or other smooth surface, over a thin layer of water. You can then, using a bodkin or other appropriate tool, fan them out in order to get the desired waterfall effect on the topping, and spread the tail out as well. Let them dry thoroughly and they should take on the shape you'd like. There will be some "spring back" so you might want to exaggerate a little. Here are some I've done for this fly:

Tail and topping prep

Before tying in the tail, strip off some barbs and flatten the stem. Make sure no barbs are under your tie-in point. You can look at the crest from the top while holding it in your pliers or tweezers, and make sure it's not twisting. If it is, try twisting it forcefully the other direction prior to tying in.

Flattening the stem

Tie the tail on over the four wraps you used to secure the floss ends. Look at it from the top and make sure it's dead straight, and in the center of the hook. The tail is very critical to the success of the fly. There is no recovering from a faulty tail. As a general rule of thumb I like the tail to be 1 1/2 times the hook gap, when measure from the tie in point diagonally to the tip of the tail. I learned of this ratio in Ronn Alcott's book, and it's at least a good jumping off point. If the tail is too vertical, the wing will be too high, too horizontal dictates a wing that is too low. Some tiers like a very vertical tail, and that's fine, just don't make it too high. If you like a more horizontal tail, get a crest that curves up quite a bit. This is subjective, but keep in mind that everything that follows follows the tail. If it's not what you have in mind, neither will the fly be what you have in mind. This tail gave me the exact shape of the fly I was expecting.

Completed tail

Now for the tail veiling, in this case an Indian Crow sub. In order to prep this for tie-in I now cut close to the stem what I use to strip. In the past I would strip and flatten the stem, then put a bend in it and mount it. I found that invariably, as I tied the rest of the fly, the veiling would move, typically twist away from me. I recently read Pryce-Tannatt's book, and in it he talks about cutting the barbs close to the stem rather than stripping them, and this seems to really help the veiling to stay put after mounting. It looks like this:

Indian crow prep

If you just try to tie the feather down, you will invariably disturb the tail, so a small bend is put in the stem before mounting. I do this by holding the stem horizontally with tweezers in my right hand, and bending the feather with my right thumbnail, while pulling at right angles to the tweezers. It looks like this:

Indian crow prep

Indian crow prep

Tail veiling tied in

The Butt and Underbody

Now for the ostrich herl butt, which is quite straight forward. It's just like wrapping hackle, exactly. Make sure the fibers angle back as you wind, with the spine of the herl to the front. Here is how I tie in, an we will wind over the same four wraps that bind the tail and veiling:

Butt tie in

In this next shot I've complete the butt, cut material ends short, and laid the groundwork for tapering the underbody. I've attached lengths of floss with the idea of building a thick tapered body. It's now all the rage to make huge cigar shaped bodies,and I guess that's fine, but I'll try to be a bit more moderate.

Underbody tie in

I should have added a fourth piece of floss closer to the center of the fly, and did so later. The idea here is to wind the rightmost piece of floss to a point equidistant beyond the center of the hook, and tie it off. Then wind the next piece to a point beyond that, again equidistant relative to the center. Then the next piece is wound, almost to the front of the fly, and finally the last piece, the one close to the butt, is wound all the way to the front. This gives a nice, fairly symmetrical taper. There are other methods, each one more complicated than the one before. Do whatever works. I use Equate dental floss, which is thinner, and CVS Advanced Fiber Dental Floss which is wider. I also like Glide, which leaves my fly with a clean, minty smell. Dental floss is great because it can almost be molded with your burnishing tool, and lumps and bumps can be, to a small degree, smoothed out.

Underbody complete

The Body

I'm afraid that I got so engrossed with the body veilings on the next section that I neglected to take pictures along the way. That's all right though, because with the exception of the veilings themselves we've already covered most of this. The ribbing is tied in first, close to the butt, just as the twist was tied in, and then the thread is taken up to where the body veilings will be tied in. This point should be at about the two-fifths of the way from the butt to the front of the fly. The rear and front body sections should look about equal, and because of optical factors, the rear section is made to be 2/5 of the entire distance. Tie in the floss first with five wraps forward, and wind it back to the butt, then up to the tail veiling tie-in point. Bind the floss down with four wraps, after undoing the five original wraps holding it in place, just as we did with the tag. Now wrap the ribs, being careful not to get the last wrap too close to the end of the floss. There is a reason for this. If the last wrap ends right at the top of the end of the floss, it will cause the top body veilings to jut up. Once the rib has been tied off, attach the top tail veilings. They should extend to just beyond the butt. I've used burnt spey hackle as a sub here. Some like to use CDC, and I've used it for toucan sub in the past, but I was never that wild about it. Here I've used three spey hackles on the top, and three on the bottom, tied in right on top of each other. They have a lot of natural curve, and can be just tied on, without having to bend the stems. I cut the fibers close to the stems rather than stripped them before tying in. It really makes them more stable after the fact. Once the veilings are in place, tie in the body joint, or second butt, which will cover all our ends quite conveniently after it's wound over them. The final rear body section should look something like this.:

Rear section

The front section is next, and is more of the same, but there are two ribs to be wound side by side, and a black cock hackle from the second rib. You can see from the shot below that I've tied in the lace (you can use oval tinsel too) by the mid joint, followed by the flat tinsel, then, a little farther down the cock feather, and finally, at the front of the fly, the black floss. You can see that I've wound the flat metal tinsel once already, and that was so I could gauge the exact tie in point of the hackle, which is wound starting right up against the second rib.

Front section prep

The materials are wound in the following order: First, wind the floss back to the butt, and forward again to the front, carefully avoiding the ribbing and hackle. Next, wind the flat tinsel, being mindful of spacing and avoiding the hackle stem so the metal doesn't cut it now, or when the hackle is wound later. Now wind the lace or oval tinsel forward, right along side the flat. Finally wind the hackle along side the lace, folding toward the rear as you go. Secure all ends but DON'T CUT THEM yet. Make sure that everything butts up properly with everything, and check the other side of the hook too. The reason you don't want to cut anything is that the hackle has a propensity to break during this process, and you can backtrack if you haven't cut the materials. The same goes for ribbing that's not spaced correctly or butted up against each other properly. Watch out for the flat metal tinsel at all times, it will cut your thread too. If your hackle has survived the results will look something like this. I've slicked it down here with saliva, but some tiers don't do this. It makes it easier to get the underwing right. When it dries it will look normal.

Front section complete

The Throat

The final step in part one is the throat hackle. Here I've tied in an appropriate guinea hackle after measuring its shortest fiber length against the longest hackle strand. Then I've wound it and tied it off as shown:

Throat wound

And finally I've pulled all the throat fibers down into a beard, and wound a loop of thread behind them, capturing them all. I then do a few more loops at the rear of the throat, resulting in this:

Throat completed

If you look closely at the shot above, there is now a considerable lump on top of the hook where the thick guinea stem is. I will slice this with a razor blade right on top, with the idea of removing this thick stem, which will play havoc with my wings if I leave it in place. Before doing this I glue the thread wraps behind, the ones holding the throat in place, with Griff's penetrating cement. You could use crazy glue too.

Throat trimmed

Here we see the throat after the trimming operation has removed the stem from the top and sides of the body. A bed of flattened thread has been wrapped forward and back, preparing a nice platform for the next stage, the underwing. We will complete the fly in Part Two. Below I show the recipe and a diagram that will help with identifying the various sections.

Throat after trimming

Jock Scott sections

Jock Scott (per Pryce-Tannatt)

Tag: Silver twist and yellow floss silk
Tail: A topping and Indian crow
Butt: Black ostrich herl
Body:In two equal halves-first half, yellow floss butted with black herl, and veiled above and below with six or more Toucan feathers; second half, black floss.
Ribs: Fine oval silver tinsel over yellow floss, broader oval silver tinsel or flat
silver tinsel and twist (in the large sizes) over the black floss.
Hackle: A natural black cock's hackle, wound over the black floss
Throat Speckled Gallina
Wings A pair of black white-tipped Turkey tail strips (back to back); over these, but not entirely covering them, a "mixed" sheath of "married" strands of Peacock wing, yellow, scarlet, and blue Swan, Bustard, Florican, and Golden Pheasant tail; two strands of Peacock sword feather above; "married" narrow strips Teal and barred Summer Duck at the sides; brown Mallard over.
Sides: Jungle cock
Cheeks: Chatterer
Horns Blue and yellow macaw
Head Black ostrich herl

Copyright © 2006 Eric Austin
Background image from "Trout" by Bergman (1938)