Tag: Gold Oval Tinsel
Tail: A topping and Indian crow
Butt: Black ostrich herl
Body: In three equal sections butted with black herl; The first dark red-orange silk ribbed with fine gold tinsel,
having indian crow above and below; the second, or middle joint, yellow silk with similar ribbing and crow feathers
as before; the third light blue floss silk and silver ribbing with indian crow repeated
Hackle: At the throat only, jay
Wings: Tippet, teal, gallina, golden pheasant tail, parrot, light brtown mottled turkey, bustard, red macaw, yellow
macaw (swan dyed yellow insead of yellow macaw for large sizes), with two strips of mallard above, and a topping
Cheeks: Chatterer
Horns: Blue macaw
Head: Black ostrich herl